MAFP’s 2023 National Conference Student & Resident Delegates Announced
Each year, Family Medicine Foundation of Michigan appoints two residents and two students to represent Michigan Academy of Family Physicians at AAFP’s National Conference in Kansas City, MO. Delegate roles include writing, introducing, discussing, and voting on resolutions (proposals for change) and electing national resident and student leaders.
Representing MAFP at the 2023 National Conference of Family Medicine Residents & Medical Students, July 27-29, will be:
Resident Delegate: Eli Benchell Eisman, DO, PhD
Henry Ford Hospital Family Medicine Residency Class of 2024
“Since the start of my medical training, we have experienced year-over-year worsening measures associated with the health of our profession, such as physician burnout and job satisfaction. This is concomitant with increasing administrative burden, competition with non-physician and remote telehealth providers, and decreasing compensation. It is our responsibility to advocate for ourselves and the longevity of our specialty and I am privileged with the opportunity to continue that work on behalf of current and future Michigan family physicians.”
Resident Alternate Delegate: Mohammed Aamir Saiyed, MD
Central Michigan University Family Medicine Residency Class of 2024
“I have worked with AAFP in the past as an Emerging Leader as part of its Emerging Leader Institute. I would like to take this opportunity to represent Michigan at the Resident Congress and be an active member bringing change in the field of family medicine. I have been an advocate for positive change at my residency program from the moment I entered Residency. I created a community-focused sports medicine track to help promote active and healthy lifestyles in the Saginaw community. I was also a member of the delegation at Michigan Advocacy Day, advocating for a better healthcare system and primary care for the community of Michigan.”
Student Delegate: Sarah Toates
Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine Class of 2024
“I believe our current healthcare system regularly overlooks vulnerable patients in a multiplicity of ways. Ultimately, our healthcare system and the structures surrounding it (legislative, cultural, financial, social, etc.) are designed in a manner that does not promote or value primary care, which is one of the most important factors dictating the health and well-being of the American public. My desire to remedy these deficiencies and advocate for our patients both in and out of the clinic or hospital setting is one of the factors that motivates me to pursue family medicine. I believe the needs of family medicine physicians–and of the patients we serve–are diverse and complex and should be approached in a nuanced and thoughtful manner.”
Student Alternate Delegate: Kinsey Vear
University of Michigan Medical School Class of 2024
“As the practice of medicine and the healthcare system is changing around us, I would like to be part of the positive pieces within that change to move the field of family medicine forward. I believe doing this involves showing up and being present to advocate for the voices of our colleagues and our patients. As my mentor once put it, I am a community activist with a stethoscope. My passions for advocacy have been particularly heightened amidst my studies in public health this year, diving further into the fragmented healthcare system we have in the US and the ways in which it devalues primary prevention and care as well as population health overall.”
Resident and student members of MAFP who have issues of concern or ideas for change are encouraged to email them to [email protected], so they can be shared with MAFP’s delegation as they prepare for resolution writing at the conference.