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Thursday, June 22, 2023 06:57 AM |
Prepare for the National Motor Carrier Safety Administration Certification Exam
To ensure commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers meet Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) physical qualification standards, the drivers are required to have a Department of Transportation physical examination conducted by a licensed “medical examiner” who is listed on the FMCSA National Registry.
Physicians are among those who may qualify as “medical examiners” if certificated to do so. To become certified, medical examiner candidates must:
- Be licensed, certified, or registered to perform physical examinations in accordance with applicable State laws and regulations.
- Register on the National Registry website and receive a unique National Registry number. (Note: This does not approve an individual to start conducting examinations.)
- Complete the National Registry Medical Examiner certification training.
The Iowa Academy of Family Physicians (IAFP) offers an on-demand certification training course, discounted for AAFP members of any chapter. This accelerated four-hour CME course conforms to FMCSA’s training curriculum modules and topics on regulations and guidelines for conducting CMV driver medical examinations. Upon successful completion of the course, medical examiner candidates should be prepared to sit for the FMCSA National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners certification examination.
- Pass the National Registry Medical Examiner Certification Test.
After completing the training course, medical examiner candidates will receive verification of training, allowing them to register for the federal exam. To find a testing organization, click here.
- Once FMCSA has verified the medical examiner’s test score and validated their medical credential or license, the Medical Examiner is certified by FMCSA and listed on the National Registry. Certified medical examiners receive their certificate, good for 10 years from date of issuance, via email and are then able to begin performing examinations of interstate CMV drivers.