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Wednesday, April 10, 2024 01:48 PM |
Dr. Nirali Bora Shares Latest Measles Information
Building community and providing professional support is one of MAFP’s greatest strengths. We appreciate members like Nirali Bora, MD, MPH (Grand Rapids), who are willing to share their knowledge and expertise to enhance our membership. In March, Dr. Bora and colleague Dr. Juan Marquez shared their knowledge, practical information, and resources about Measles in an on-demand webinar free for MAFP members. Dr. Bora serves as the Kent County Medical Director and Dr. Marquez serves as the Washtenaw County Medical Director, where there have been reported cases of Measles. Dr. Bora and Dr. Marquez provided information about Measles cases in the U.S., vaccination rates, symptoms, risk factors, testing recommendations, and how to interact with the local health department. Dr. Bora is a practicing family physician and graduate of the University of Michigan Medical School and Brown Family Medicine Residency. Thank you, Dr. Bora!