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Wednesday, April 24, 2024 10:49 PM |
MUSIC Initiative Seeks Primary Care Collaboration to Enhance Urological Care
The Michigan Urological Surgery Improvement Collaborative (MUSIC) is a physician led quality improvement program focused on improving urologic care for patients in Michigan. MUSIC is comprised of 90% of the urologists in the state of Michigan and focused specifically on prostate cancer care, kidney stone surgery and renal mass diagnoses. MUSIC began in 2011 and has made great strides in improving patient care with notable improvements, including the reduction of prostate biopsy-related infectious hospitalizations, a decrease in emergency department visits after kidney stone surgery, and an increase in treatment appropriateness for patients with localized kidney masses, among others.
MUSIC members have discussed the important role primary care physicians play in urology patient care and the need for getting their input and perspectives, as well as making them aware of the work MUSIC does. To this end, MUSIC is forming a working group of interested and willing primary care physicians which they plan to convene via Zoom a couple of times a year. This would require a time commitment of a few hours each year. If you are interested in being a part of this working group through MUSIC with the goal of continuing to improve urology patient care, please contact Susan Linsell, MUSIC Administrative Officer, at [email protected]. You can learn more about MUSIC at