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Monday, July 01, 2024 12:37 PM |
Dr. Mustafa 'Mark' Hamed appointed to American College of Surgeons - Rural Advisory Council to the Committee on Trauma
MAFP Board Member Mustafa 'Mark' Hamed, MD, MBA, MPH, has been appointed to the American College of Surgeons' Rural Advisory Council to the Committee on Trauma (COT). Dr. Hamed, who learned about this opportunity through the AAFP ER-Urgent Care Interest Group, is pleased to bring a family medicine perspective to the council. Dr. Hamed's appointment underscores his commitment to improving trauma care in rural communities.
The Rural Advisory Council, established in 2022, represents the needs of rural trauma providers and patients. Led by Dr. Michael Person, the council ensures that rural perspectives are integrated into COT programs and initiatives. Dr. Hamed's unique background and dedication to rural trauma care will be invaluable to the council's mission and his term will run until June 2026.