Virtual KSA: Health Counseling and Preventive Care
Saturday, March 08, 2025, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST
Category: Events
Virtual KSA: Health Counseling and Preventive CareComplete this 60-question Knowledge Self-Assessment (KSA) with your colleagues via a family physician-facilitated group discussion. The new Health Counseling and Preventive Care ABFM-developed KSA activity combines content from both the current Health Behaviors and Preventive Care KSA activities. This new activity focuses on management of nutrition, sexual health, exercise, smoking avoidance and cessation, substance abuse, cancer screening, screening for medical conditions, chemoprevention, and immunizations. Intended AudienceFamily physicians, family medicine residents Facilitator
CMEThe AAFP has reviewed Health Counseling and Preventative Care KSA and deemed it acceptable for up to 8.00 Knowledge Self-Assessment, Live AAFP Prescribed credits. Term of Approval is from 3/8/2025 to 3/8/2025. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Cost
REGISTER »Cancellations: Refunds are available, less a $50 administrative fee, for cancellation requests received in writing by March 1, 2025. Contact: Sarah Pinder, MAFP Director of Member Engagement, [email protected] |